Tag Archives: Kata Innovations

FREE Esoteric Kata Introductory Course

3 Jan

 Sensei John’s latest project for 2024 is “Esoteric Kata.”   

Esoteric Kata utilizes the physicality of Kata to explore the esoteric non-physical states of our being. Deeply imbued in the martial spirit via the beliefs of the oriental masters in Shinto, Zen Buddhism and other esoteric practices, this aspect of Kata is all but ignored by western practitioners – until now.

In simple, easy-to-understand language and practice kata training methods, Sensei John guides you to a new, more fulfilling and satisfying Kata experience. This experience is readily available to any Kata-Ka (practitioner of Kata). It is; however, more readily available to those practitioners that all ready have a working knowledge of what Sensei calls his “Sacred Trinity of Kata.” This Sacred Trinity is the Kata, Sanchin, Seienchin and Suparunpei Kata.

Understanding that many of his readers do not necessarily know all three Kata, Sensei has developed his Sanchin-Dai Kata (“Great Three Battles” Kata) to fill in any gap in your Kata syllabus. In fact, using Sensei’s Sanchin-Dai Kata, one need not know any of the Sacred Trinity Kata to explore the vast wealth of knowledge and experience in the practice of Esoteric Kata.

  Sensei has made his Sanchin-Dai Kata available for FREE for you to learn in the comfort and convenience of your own home. You can use this FREE learning guide and Syllabus:

FREE Sanchin-Dai Kata: One Kata that contains all three Sacred Trinity Kata:

For those of you that choose to embark upon your own personal Esoteric Kata journey, do so with an open mind, a pure heart and a clean spirit. You can follow more on Sensei blog using this convenient link to the Esoteric Kata category (please remember that articles appear in reverse chronological order): https://senseijohn.me/category/esoteric-kata/

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Follow Sensei John on Instagram @1Day1Lifetime:

Sacred Trinity Of Kata – You Need To Practice These Three Kata Every Day – Right Now!

14 Nov

In these unsettling and perhaps dire times – 

A very important post from Sensei John Szmitkowski and FREE resource! The following was re-published, with permission, from Sensei John’s blog.

“This isn’t the way I planned on introducing you to my ‘Sacred Trinity” of Kata, but recent unsettling domestic and global events have moved up my time frame. So, let’s get into it.”

Without rehashing all the gory details, the world, including the United States wherein I reside is in turmoil, chaos and war threatens. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit doomsday-ish. Based upon my own Esoteric Kata daily practice and online commentary and research, many spiritual leaders are warning of the need to fortify and prepare oneself not only physically, but mentally and spiritually for the chaos ahead. Being a martial artist, you may already have three of the most powerful tools at your disposal to do just that.

There are three very powerful Esoteric Kata in Karate-Do. They are so powerful that when I learned the last of the three, Sensei told me, “Never perform this Kata (Suparunpei) with an unclean spirit.” That was thirty-five years ago and I remember the comment and discussion as if it were yesterday. I call these three powerful esoteric kata, the “Sacred Trinity” of Kata.

The Sacred Trinity of Kata are, in the order that one usually learned them:

  • •Sanchin Kata;
  • •Seienchin Kata, and;
  • •Suparunpei (Pechurin Kata, in Okinawan dialect)

If you know these three kata, you MUST start practicing them everyday. They are imbued with esoteric spiritual capabilities that will sustain and nurture you during the current and future chaotic and war-like events which seem to indicate an escalation. Many spiritual leaders are offering their insights into the coming days of turmoil, wars and other impediments to a peaceful existence. I’ll jump into the fray with Esoteric Kata advice – daily practice of the Sacred Trinity of Kata. In future posts, I’ll delve into the esoteric import of performing the Sacred Trinity of Kata daily. For now – start today!

My daily Esoteric Kata Ritual Meditation session includes the Sacred Trinity Kata. Alternatively, I perform my Sanchin-Dai Kata as a substitute when necessary. I tend to practice the Sacred Trinity Kata, after performing five preliminary Kata, and in the following order: Seienchin, Suparunpei and Sanchin. I will elaborate further on the esoteric reasons for doing so in future articles. For now, again – start practicing the Sacred Trinity everyday. If you do not know all three Kata, do what you do know. As you practice, for now, simply open your heart. Seek guidance, wisdom, compassion and truth as you perform the Kata. If you are religious, you may silently add a prayer as you perform the Kata. I have done just that, in various forms with all three Kata. There are links below you can access for more. 

I will be posting articles and videos to assist you in the event that you do not know all three of the Sacred Trinity Kata. I have developed a full Kata to encapsulate the esoteric imports of each of the Sacred trinity Kata. I hope to have this available to you shortly.

In the meantime, you should:

  • Third, you should immediately supplement your daily efforts with the following. I wholeheartedly encourage you to become familiar with:

I’ll post future articles in the new “Sacred Trinity” category to the right of this page. Check back often. In closing, please perform the Sacred Trinity Kata daily with a pure heart and a clean spirit. You’ll thank me later. I remain,

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Follow Sensei John on Instagram:

Coronapause – FREE Tips & Techniques from Sensei John

20 Apr

We wish all of our subscribers and followers well during this Coronavirus pandemic.

Our own Sensei John has started a journal sharing his daily techniques, kata and mediations he is using to manage his own “Coronapause” experience. Here is a summary of articles posted to date:

Entry # 1 – How the #Coronapause journal started – https://senseijohn.me/2020/03/22/coronapause-day-1-it-starts/

Entry # 2 – Boketto (gazing absentmindedly) https://senseijohn.me/2020/03/23/coronapause-entry-2-boketto-gazing-absentmindedly/

Entry # 3 – Introduction to Sanchin (efficient breathing) https://senseijohn.me/2020/03/25/coronapause-entry-3-breathing-efficiently-sip-of-sanchin-overview/

Entry # 4 – Zanshin (the “Remaining Mind”) https://senseijohn.me/2020/03/29/coronapause-entry-4-zanshin-the-remaining-mind/

Entry # 5 – Calm In The Storm Technique (posted 3-31) https://senseijohn.me/2020/03/31/coronapause-entry-5-calm-in-the-storm/

Entry # 6 – Caregiver Is A Samurai (posted 4-7) https://senseijohn.me/2020/04/07/coronapause-entry-6-a-caregiver-is-a-samurai/

Entry # 7 – Go Inside (Yourself) https://senseijohn.me/2020/04/18/coronapause-entry-7-go-inside-yourself/

All # Coronapause posts may be viewed here https://senseijohn.me/category/coronapause/

We at Defelice-Ryu wish you and yours well and if Sensei John or us can help through the sharing his Coronapause journal then we are fulfilled


Sensei John Szmitkowski

FREE Kata-RX For Wellness Online Course

12 Sep

   We just learned important information about Sensei John’s groundbreaking Kata-RX For Wellness online school. We can’t believe its true, but it is!

Sensei John is so pleased with the enrollment in his online Kata-RX For Wellness courses that he has decided for a limited time to make his first course available for – ready – FREE. That’s right completely FREEno further obligation – you can learn Sensei John’s innovative “1 Day / 1 Lifetime” Kata for wellness and mindfulness! Enroll today in the first course for FREE.

You may enroll for FREE using this convenient link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

For those students that already purchased the first course, Sensei will provide a promo code for credit towards the purchase of the second course.

The second course is available to all students who complete the first course. It is reasonably priced at $ 55. for a one-time payment or a two payment option of $ 30 for two months. Either way there’s a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Sensei is so confident you will benefit from his kata that if you are not completely satisfied in the 30 day period you get a full refund.

Here’s a compilation of Sensei’s Kata filmed September 2019 in various locations on Cape Cod, MA, some locations include Wellfleet, North Truro, Light houses and of course, Provincetown (and a mystery locations)! See how easy Sensei’s Kata is to do daly and the beautiful natural beauty of Cape Cod.

Once again, take advantage of this FREE offer: https://senseijohn.me

See you in class!


Sensei John Szmitkowski

                             MORE              9-25-19: Update: Sensei John is toying with a new video series to enrich your Kata-RX experience! The videos combine Kata-RX with thought provoking commentary to facilitate your wellness and mindfulness experience. Here’s a sample video. For more info please visit  https://senseijohn.me/2019/09/25/kata-koan-preview-sea-monsters-in-your-ocean/

Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness FREE FIRST COURSE & Course # 2 Opens For Enrollment

10 Jul

More news from Sensei John’s Online Kata-RX For Wellness & Mindfulness classes! We’ll let Sensei John tell you himself. For a limited time, the first course in the Kata-RX For Wellness series is FREE, that’s right due to an overwhelming enrollment, Sensei John has made this first course absolutely FREE!


Today’s the day!
The second course in my three part “Kata For Wellness & Mindfulness” online classes is now open for enrollment. You can view the course and full curriculum using this link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/full-kata-rx-for-wellness-mindfulness

Let’s take a quick peak at my innovative, groundbreaking kata, filmed on a beautiful summer day in Asbury Park, NJ:

The second course is available to all students that have completed the first course. For a limited time the second course is available for a one payment option of $ 55. or a monthly two payment option for $ 30. each. As always, if you are not completely satisfied, there is a 30 day money back guarantee.
You can view the course description and full curriculum using this convenient link: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/full-kata-rx-for-wellness-mindfulness

*****  Attention New Students ***** FREE FIRST COURSE:
Please remember you MUST start with the first course.
For a limited time you can enroll in the first course for FREE, yes that’s right, due to an overwhelming response Sensei John has made the first course entirely FREE! You can use this link to view the full curriculum and get your FREE first course!

Here’s a few more screen shots from the most recent videos filmed at Ringwood Manor, NJ.

I look forward to seeing you in class,


Sensei John Szmitkowski

Sensei John’s Online Kata Course Number 2 – Coming July!

28 Jun

Sensei John’s next course (number two) in his three part Kata-RX: Kata For Wellness & Mindfulness Online school will open in July. We’ll let Sensei John tell you how the course is progressing.


My three part Kata For Wellness and Mindfulness online course takes the next step with course number two.

The first course has already opened for enrollment. https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation
The second course is well underway to opening in the next ten days. This second course will teach the full, enhanced movements of the three kata presented in the first course. More significantly this course will teach more of the internal processes found within the kata. The Ghost Hand Gaze, Ghost Hand perception, Mushin state of mind, contracting and expanding bio-energy and Nenjuushin (the everyday mind) to name a few of the internal processes.

To date all that remains is editing and final tweaking. So, it looks like the second course will launch around July 4th. In the meantime, here’s a few screen shots from the class videos. I hope you enjoy them.

Sensei John explains Mushin-No-Shin Mindset


Sensei John explains the Ghost Hand Gaze


Sensei John’s Practice Together Class On The Ghost Hand Kata


Practicing Your Sanchin using Mushin-No-Shin with Sensei John

Please remember that new students must start with the first course. The second course builds on the core techniques and internal principles taught in the first course. This course has already opened for enrollment. Welcome to all the new students!

The first course teaches the core movements of three kata: my Ghost Hand Kata (Yurei-Te Kata), the Sanchin Kata and the 1 Day / 1 Lifetime Kata (“Ichi-Nichi / Issho” Kata). It is the starting point for all students. For a limited time you can still enroll for only $ 10. (that’s a savings of $ 15 off the regular price) & there’s a 30 day money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. You may view the entire curriculum and enroll, if you choose to do so here: https://kata-rx.teachable.com/p/preview-kata-as-moving-meditation

I look forward to seeing you in class. My best to all,


Sensei John Szmitkowski

Enroll Now – Online Class – Kata For Wellness & Mindfulness Starts Today!

10 Jun

Sensei John’s Kata-RX is open for enrollment.

Todays the day! My online school Kata-Rx For Wellness & Mindfulness has launched.

In it I offer a 3 course plan to learn my “1 Day / 1 Lifetime” Kata I created for non-martial artists to use to achieve physical and mental well-being. For those that prefer kata names in Japanese it is the “Ichi-nichi Issho” Kata. While this kata is designed specifically with the non-martial artist in mind, karate-ka can benefit too – it is a unique kata that is not available anywhere else. Not only did I create the kata with you in mind, no-one else is providing the insights I disclose in the 3 courses.

Let’s take a fast sneak peak at my innovative groundbreaking “1 Day / 1 Lifetime” Kata filmed on a beautiful summer day in Asbury Park, NJ:

You can learn more, see the course syllabus and enroll to save using this convenient, secure link:

For a limited time the 1st course teaching the core physical movements & introductory states-of-mind is only $ 10. with a full refund in 30 days if not satisfied. Upon payment, you also can join a private FaceBook group for one-on-one interaction.

Please feel welcome to check it out and see the full curriculum – what a bargain for only $ 10 – that’s right 48 years of training resulting in a kata created just for you and you can start learning for less than the cost of a pizza.

The second course which will teach the full kata will be available in 2 weeks for a price of $ 55. (one time payment) or a 2 payment option of $ 30. each, also with a 30 day money back guarantee.

The third course teaching advanced topics will launch two weeks after the second course. This course will teach insights into kata that, I promise, no-one else is teaching these insights into kata for wellness and mindfulness. The price will be between $ 25 and $ 30 so that the entire 3 course kata program will be less than $ 100.

Thanks for checking it out.

I remain

Sensei John Szmitkowski

Still not convinced – here’s a sneak peak at the start of the class on breathing – you will enjoy each class – promise! Then click here to enroll:

Sensei John’s Up To Something!

17 May

   We recently dropped in on Sensei John at his home. Our visit stoked our curiosity – Sensei John was up to something.

As we sat and chatted, Sensei was busy at his laptop. Under the guise of using the rest room and going to our car because we “forgot” something we were able to get a few glimpses of his screen. We asked “What’s going on?” His reply was cryptic, “Wait until June 1st and it will be ready to go live.” Okay, now we had to know more, but Sensei was tight lipped. He did mention something about trademarks and copyrights, Hmmm.

Sensei was a gracious host. He generously refilled our coffee cups. For our part, when Sensei was in the kitchen making coffee, we just happened to catch a few more glimpses of his laptop. It also seems that we, shall we say “accidentally” got a few screenshots.

Here’s what we can deduce he’s upto. But. Oops! Are we letting the proverbial cat out of the bag?

So, based on the screenshot below, it seems safe to say Sensei John is launching an online school to teach his most updated version of kata as a means of physical & mental wellness for anyone – no need to learn a full karate curriculum. It also seems that he’s thinking of calling the website – – Kata-rx.Com.


Sensei hasn’t been around much and now we think that he went so far as to create a unique and innovative kata just for this purpose. Maybe that’s why the trademarks and copyrights?

Naturally, Sensei’s lessons and videos are all filmed outdoors.

It also seems Sensei has, well shall we say, “The gift of gab.”

To be honest, we have no idea what his motorcycle has to do with kata. We’re not sure if he’ll tell us or we’ll have to buy his course and see.

Assuming Sensei John doesn’t see this and assuming we get invited back to his house for my coffee (which by the way was pretty good), we’ll have more updates.

Respectfully submitted,

– – Anonymous
(Hey don’t blame me, Sensei makes a good cup of coffee and I want to get invited back to his house)

Do Away With Kata Formalities – Part 2: Not Quite

15 Mar

Here’s the conclusion of Sensei John’s two part series on the formalities of kata. Let’s see what he has to say:


In Part One of this article, https://senseijohn.me/2019/02/20/do-away-with-kata-formalities-part-1/ I set forth my idea that in so far as after Sho-dan grade, one must practice both the spontaneity of kata and the phenomenon that kata reside within you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, one must do away with the formalities of kata. (see Endnote # 1 for a video example) These formalities, represented by the three step process of rei (bow), mukso (meditation) and ready posture inhibit the process of kata as a ritual that resides within you percolating under the surface until needed. Or, do they? Perhaps the formalities symbolize a higher meaning of kata. So now, here’s the conclusion of that article.

Do away with kata formalities – Part 2: Not Quite

As I began to advocate my concept of doing away with the formalities decades ago, my answer was yes, they should be done away with as a condition precedent to beginning and ending a kata. Just do the kata and be done. Now, as I get older (maybe wiser?) I have rethought the concept. I have once again incorporated the acts of preparation into my kata – just not as you may think.

To understand what I propose, one must appreciates the “Three Battles” of kata. Specifically all kata involve three aspects or battles. While they exist in all kata, they are emphasized and harmonized in the Sanchin Kata.

Kanji For Sanchin – Three Battles

By name, Sanchin, represents three battles. Throughout time and from karate style to karate style, Sensei have defined the three battles in various, sometimes euphemistic ways. For my part, I define the battles, on a fundamental level as breathing, bodily movement and state-of-mind. Once a kata-ka has trained kata from the standpoint of these battles, they are ready to appreciate my more advanced definition of the three battles, to wit: a physical battle (breathing and bodily movement), spiritual battle (psyche, mental states and emotions) and an environmental battle (the outside world wherein the kata is performed and how you interact with same). (For more on this topic, please see endnote # 2) You can readily see that whether you adopt the fundamental definition or the more advanced, the three battles, symbolized by Sanchin, are present in each and every kata.

By extension you should then acknowledge that the three battles are present in each and every moment of life itself. You must breath to live. Your body must move each and every second to live. Yes, you may be immobile during times of sleep or even unconsciousness, but your blood must flow, cells must metabolize, organs function and the like. Similarly as you live your life, you will interact with and be affected by the outside environment. Thus, I conclude and submit that “Life is a kata.” ™

Once I came to the understanding that “Life is a kata,” ™ I began to rethink my position on the formalities. Instead of doing away with the formalities, I now advocate that they should be performed before and after each kata. What, a complete reversal? Not quite. The issue is no longer whether to perform the formalities, but when does kata start and end. My conclusion is that my kata starts the moment I get out of bed, the new day, another day of life, is the beginning of my kata. I need not perform a kata as soon as my feet touch the floor. I do; however perform the three formalities. I look out my bedroom window and rei (bow), mukso (meditation) and assume a ready posture for a moment or two and then start my day – my kata, my life. Surely, before fully engaging my day, I perform my daily routine of Sanchin, Seienchin and Suparunpei Kata and my own personal kata, Yurei-Te Kata (Ghost Hand Kata). I go about my day, including training my other kata. At days end, I perform the three formalities in reverse order and settle in to bed. My Life is my kata.

To be sure, this is but the best I can do to symbolize my acceptance of my own life as a kata. Had I thought of my concept fifty-seven years ago, I would have had a much greater symbolism, but I lacked the training, knowledge and experience to do so. The greatest symbolism would have been to perform the formalities only twice in my life. The first immediately after exiting my mother’s womb. The second time I would the perform all three in reverse order at the moment immediately before my death – the ultimate symbol of my life, my kata. Perhaps, notwithstanding I did not start life in that way, I am still be able to perform the formalities (in reverse order) at the end of my life – my kata. But – that will only be half the symbol. Maybe once I enter what comes after death I will stand tall in the next world, and bow, mediate and be ready for the kata-yet-to-come.

Respectfully submitted,

Sensei John Szmitkowski

*** Teaser Alert ***

Here’s a few more screen shots from my forthcoming Yurei_Te (Ghost Hand) Kata Book and Video:



1. In my forthcoming Kata Laboratory book I have set forth many unique training concepts to explore the esoteric aspects of kata including my assertion that kata resides within you twenty-four hours a day seven days away percolating util such a time it bursts forth. If are interested in this topic, you may see this introductory article and video. https://senseijohn.me/2018/01/31/kata-lab-3250-kata-within-you-intermediate/

2. For more on the three battles of kata, and by association, bunkai (the analysis of kata), you may refer to this article from my Kata Laboratory, https://senseijohn.me/2013/05/20/kata-lab-101-three-states-of-bunkai/

For information on my “no-risk”, kata seminars, please visit the seminar page using this convenient link http://senseijohn.me/seminar-kata/
My seminars are the ONLY seminars that allow you to pay at the conclusion, thus insuring your complete satisfaction!

For a refreshing and innovative discourse on kata and bunkai, please feel free to visit Sensei John’s Kata Laboratory and “THINK * SWEAT * EXPERIMENT” using this convenient link: http://senseijohn.me/kata-lab/

© Copyright 2019 Issho Productions & John Szmitkowski, all rights reserved.

Don’t Read This – Unless

27 Jul

     We just received a very exciting update from Sensei John. You can read about it below, or visit Sensei John’s blog using this link: https://senseijohn.me/2018/07/25/dont-read-this-unless/

Reprinted from Sensei John’s blog:

Don’t read this unless, you realize you need a means of maintaining physical, mental and spiritual well-being in an increasingly hostile world – – – – and – – – – you’re are ready to be solely responsible for your own such well-being. With that being said, here’s a sneak peak into my latest project.

The start of a very exciting summer heralds the start of a new project. This project will continue my Jiriki Kata-Do (self-wellness through kata) dynamic ideology. Jiriki Kata-Do was launched in 2009 with my Sanchin Kata manual, “Sanchin Kata: Gateway To The Plateau Of Serenity” and DVD.

Now, almost a decade later and tens of thousands of hours “Thinking, Sweating and Experimenting” ™ with kata, a second, updated installment is underway.

My concept of Jiriki Kata-Do (“JK-D”) brings the benefits of select karate kata to the general public, without the need to study a full karate curriculum. The kata are practiced not from a martial perspective but from a moving meditation perspective. By undertaking the practice of JK-D, the average person can experience not only the physical health benefits of dynamic, moving meditative rituals (called “kata”) but also realize the mental, emotional benefits of such meditative rituals. Additionally, the practitioner begins to understand and appreciate the manner in which the world, one’s external environment, affects and interacts with these physical and mental processes and vice-versa.

JK-D differs from other non-active forms of mediation called zazen, or seated mediation, in that, well, you are physically active during the JK-D meditative process. Unlike other endeavors, such as yoga and tai-chi, which have not only lost their meditative aspects in favor of physical exercise but also become commercialized though fashion, JK-D only requires the use of your own body and mind. There are no special clothes, accessories, classroom and the like. JK-D remains within you at all times, wherever you are. The benefits of JK-D are , therefore, available to you anyplace and anytime.

Sanchin footprints in the sand, Cape Cod, MA 2016

At present, I am preparing the manuscript and scripting the videos. It is my hope that both will be finished by the end of summer. The plan is then to film photos for the manuscript and video for the DVD in Cape Cod. MA in early September. The release date would then be mid-November for this long awaited continuation of the JK-D project.

Scouting video locations – its a “dirty-job”


Check back often for more information, and maybe a few teasers from the manuscript and test videos.

To read more about the evolution of my Jiriki Kata-Do from its Goshin-Do Karate roots, please use this convenient link: https://senseijohn.me/2011/10/02/jiriki-kata-do-an-epiphenomenon-of-goshin-do-karate/

Featured Video:

As Sensei John says, “Life is a kata.” ™

Respectfully submitted,

“Think – sweat – experiment with Kata” and “Life is a kata” are trademark protected.

  For a refreshing and innovative discourse on kata and bunkai, please feel free to visit Sensei John’s Kata Laboratory and “THINK * SWEAT * EXPERIMENT” using this convenient link: http://senseijohn.me/kata-lab/