Tag Archives: HigherDimensions

FREE Esoteric Kata Introductory Course

3 Jan

 Sensei John’s latest project for 2024 is “Esoteric Kata.”   

Esoteric Kata utilizes the physicality of Kata to explore the esoteric non-physical states of our being. Deeply imbued in the martial spirit via the beliefs of the oriental masters in Shinto, Zen Buddhism and other esoteric practices, this aspect of Kata is all but ignored by western practitioners – until now.

In simple, easy-to-understand language and practice kata training methods, Sensei John guides you to a new, more fulfilling and satisfying Kata experience. This experience is readily available to any Kata-Ka (practitioner of Kata). It is; however, more readily available to those practitioners that all ready have a working knowledge of what Sensei calls his “Sacred Trinity of Kata.” This Sacred Trinity is the Kata, Sanchin, Seienchin and Suparunpei Kata.

Understanding that many of his readers do not necessarily know all three Kata, Sensei has developed his Sanchin-Dai Kata (“Great Three Battles” Kata) to fill in any gap in your Kata syllabus. In fact, using Sensei’s Sanchin-Dai Kata, one need not know any of the Sacred Trinity Kata to explore the vast wealth of knowledge and experience in the practice of Esoteric Kata.

  Sensei has made his Sanchin-Dai Kata available for FREE for you to learn in the comfort and convenience of your own home. You can use this FREE learning guide and Syllabus:

FREE Sanchin-Dai Kata: One Kata that contains all three Sacred Trinity Kata:

For those of you that choose to embark upon your own personal Esoteric Kata journey, do so with an open mind, a pure heart and a clean spirit. You can follow more on Sensei blog using this convenient link to the Esoteric Kata category (please remember that articles appear in reverse chronological order): https://senseijohn.me/category/esoteric-kata/

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Follow Sensei John on Instagram @1Day1Lifetime:

Sacred Trinity Of Kata – You Need To Practice These Three Kata Every Day – Right Now!

14 Nov

In these unsettling and perhaps dire times – 

A very important post from Sensei John Szmitkowski and FREE resource! The following was re-published, with permission, from Sensei John’s blog.

“This isn’t the way I planned on introducing you to my ‘Sacred Trinity” of Kata, but recent unsettling domestic and global events have moved up my time frame. So, let’s get into it.”

Without rehashing all the gory details, the world, including the United States wherein I reside is in turmoil, chaos and war threatens. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit doomsday-ish. Based upon my own Esoteric Kata daily practice and online commentary and research, many spiritual leaders are warning of the need to fortify and prepare oneself not only physically, but mentally and spiritually for the chaos ahead. Being a martial artist, you may already have three of the most powerful tools at your disposal to do just that.

There are three very powerful Esoteric Kata in Karate-Do. They are so powerful that when I learned the last of the three, Sensei told me, “Never perform this Kata (Suparunpei) with an unclean spirit.” That was thirty-five years ago and I remember the comment and discussion as if it were yesterday. I call these three powerful esoteric kata, the “Sacred Trinity” of Kata.

The Sacred Trinity of Kata are, in the order that one usually learned them:

  • •Sanchin Kata;
  • •Seienchin Kata, and;
  • •Suparunpei (Pechurin Kata, in Okinawan dialect)

If you know these three kata, you MUST start practicing them everyday. They are imbued with esoteric spiritual capabilities that will sustain and nurture you during the current and future chaotic and war-like events which seem to indicate an escalation. Many spiritual leaders are offering their insights into the coming days of turmoil, wars and other impediments to a peaceful existence. I’ll jump into the fray with Esoteric Kata advice – daily practice of the Sacred Trinity of Kata. In future posts, I’ll delve into the esoteric import of performing the Sacred Trinity of Kata daily. For now – start today!

My daily Esoteric Kata Ritual Meditation session includes the Sacred Trinity Kata. Alternatively, I perform my Sanchin-Dai Kata as a substitute when necessary. I tend to practice the Sacred Trinity Kata, after performing five preliminary Kata, and in the following order: Seienchin, Suparunpei and Sanchin. I will elaborate further on the esoteric reasons for doing so in future articles. For now, again – start practicing the Sacred Trinity everyday. If you do not know all three Kata, do what you do know. As you practice, for now, simply open your heart. Seek guidance, wisdom, compassion and truth as you perform the Kata. If you are religious, you may silently add a prayer as you perform the Kata. I have done just that, in various forms with all three Kata. There are links below you can access for more. 

I will be posting articles and videos to assist you in the event that you do not know all three of the Sacred Trinity Kata. I have developed a full Kata to encapsulate the esoteric imports of each of the Sacred trinity Kata. I hope to have this available to you shortly.

In the meantime, you should:

  • Third, you should immediately supplement your daily efforts with the following. I wholeheartedly encourage you to become familiar with:

I’ll post future articles in the new “Sacred Trinity” category to the right of this page. Check back often. In closing, please perform the Sacred Trinity Kata daily with a pure heart and a clean spirit. You’ll thank me later. I remain,

* (with the privilege and permission of the superiors)

Follow Sensei John on Instagram: