Tag Archives: Goshin-D Karate-Do

Goshin-Do Karate Kyokai Pinan Kata Reconstructed

19 Jan

We are pleased to announce that Sensei John has completed his project reconstructing the five Pinan Kata of the former Goshin-Do Karate-Do Kyokai under Hanshi Frank Van Lenten. Circumstances beyond his control forced Sensei to place the project on hold for almost a year. Eventually, Sensei was able to complete the reconstruction project.

We are honored to share Sensei John’s efforts with in the following five videos of this very rare version of the five kata. All videos feature notes, photos and vintage films of Hanshi Frank Van Lenten. Those readers and viewers familiar with Sensei John’s videos know that all kata re filmed in stunning natural environments. Enjoy Sensei John’s efforts.

Kyokai  Goshin-Do Karate Kyokai versions of

Pinan Sho-dan

Pinan Ni-dan

Pinan San-dan

Pinan Yon-dan

Pinan Go-dan

We trust you find Sensei’s preservation efforts educational and enjoyable.


brush script  For a refreshing and innovative discourse on kata and bunkai, please feel free to visit Sensei John’s Kata Laboratory using this convenient link:http://senseijohn.me/category/kata-laboratory/

CIMG5490  You can visit Sensei John’s personal blog at

KATANNABIS Ritual Meditation

LOGO-WEBSITE  You may also enjoy Sensei John’s martial-inspired fishing blog at http://flyfishingdojo.com

My Black Belts Stole From Me – A Thieving Tradition

18 Aug

A Black Belt must have the utmost integrity. Having said that, I will confess that my students “stole” from me. After the “theft” they still earned a black belt! Further, the “theft” was committed with my blessing.

In my opinion the worst form of “paying” for the gift of karate-do education is money, currency, cold-hard cash (or debt card in these modern times). I’ve had students that could not afford monthly dues, help teach, clean the dojo and even cook a few dinners. In this way, my students became equal with me as Sensei in that we each gave of ourselves. This is more valuable than the cheapness of currency.

But, is it proper to steal from Sensei?

Sometime in 1998, I made a decision concerning a group of four brown belts training at the Issho Dojo. In order for them to pass their test for ni-kyu, (brown belt, two stripes) they would have to learn Gojushiho Kata. In devious fashion, I told them that I would not teach them the kata.

This posed a problem. They had to learn the kata for the next rank. If I would not teach it to them, how would they learn it?

In those days, there were no You-tube GDK-D Gojushiho videos (like this one featuring archival footage from the 1960’s to 2012 where I perform Gojushiho in a snowstorm):

The four arrived at the dojo for the next class. Before class, I casually mentioned that I was going to the nearby park to “clear my head.” I did this for the next three classes. The brown belts became curious.

One night after I went to the park, they waited about ten minutes and followed. They stood at the edge of the park and watched me. They saw me repeatedly practice a kata that they did not know. I noticed them and practiced the first four moves of the kata again and again After fifteen minutes of performing the opening sequence, I walked to the edge of the park. Together, we silently walked back to the Dojo.

The next night I repeated my routine. Again, they waited and walked to the park. I repeatedly practiced the first four moves. This time they only watched for about ten minutes and hurried back to the dojo. After about fifteen minutes I returned to the dojo but did not enter. I surreptitiously peaked into the Dojo window. The four of them were hard at work practicing what they observed me doing. Each watched the other and reached a consensus as to the correctness of what they saw.

On my next pre-class visit to the park, I would slowly and in an exaggerated manner practice movements that they did not quite “steal” correctly. I would also slowly add movements and sequences.

During class, I would give them “strange” kumite drills, self-defense and heavy bag combinations. These drills and combinations came from future kata sequences. They were using kata applications to steal the kata.

This went on for about five months. They were stealing from me; however, they did not know exactly what they were stealing. One night during formal class, I asked the four brown belts to join me in performing Gojushiho Kata. The brown belts looked at each other. “But Sensei, you told us that you would not teach us the kata.” “That’s true,” I said, “But I did let you steal it from me.” “Now, let’s see what you stole.” The four brown belts joined me in performing the kata.

They learned Gojushiho Kata by “stealing” it. They were the first kata-thieves of GDK-D.

Shihan DeFelice first opened the door in May of 1965 and since then GDK-D has been continuously taught. Many students walked into the dojo. Less than thirty made black belt. So, compared to the overall number of students that started GDK-D, very few learned Gojushiho Kata. I could not allow myself to teach such a rare kata for something as worthless as money, but, I could allow it to be stolen from me.

The four brown belts were promoted to sho-dan (first degree black belt) in January, 2000. I made each of them promise me that they would not teach any future student Gojushiho Kata. It must always be stolen. With that promise, a new tradition was born – a future black belt must be a thief; and Gojushiho Kata is the desired object.

Shihan Paul Recchia, Myself & The “Kata-Thieves” at their Black Belt Promotion


Respectfully submitted,

  szmitowski_print_small    HANKO-DEF-R-reverse

Sensei John Szmitkowski

 sunsu-saguaro  For information on my “no-risk”, kata seminars, please visit the seminar page using this convenient link http://senseijohn.me/seminar-kata/

brush script  For a refreshing and innovative discourse on kata and bunkai, please feel free to visit Sensei John’s Kata Laboratory and “THINK * SWEAT * EXPERIMENT” using this convenient link: http://senseijohn.me/category/kata-laboratory/

LOGO-WEBSITE  You may wish to view my other blogs – http://flyfishingdojo.com


24 Jan


A martial myth concerning being obsessed:

Two monks, Hitoshi and Yuugi , were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was falling.

Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the flooded, muddy intersection.

“Come on, girl,” said Hitoshi at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her over the mud.

Yuugi did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he no longer could restrain himself. “We monks are not supposed to touch females,” he told Hitoshi,”especially not young and lovely ones. Why did you do that?”

“I left the girl there,” said Hitoshi. “Why are you still carrying her?”

Respectfully submitted,


For a refreshing and innovative discourse on kata and bunkai, please feel free to visit Sensei John’s Kata Laboratory using this convenient link: http://senseijohn.me/2013/05/20/kata-lab-101-three-states-of-bunkai/

For details on how to “cyber-participate” in Sensei John’s most recent group Sanchin Kata session, please use this link: http://senseijohn.me/2013/04/28/sine-quo-non-sanchin-pilgrimage/

You may be interested in viewing our newest videos:

1. Hanshi Frank Van Lenten engaged in kumite with Hanshi Jerry Thomson is available by clicking the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hIFOV8Ge-Y

2. Gojushiho Kata (1960, 1970, 1985, 2012) and the unique Gojushiho-Sai Kata of Hanshi Jerry Thomson’s Arts Of Self-Defense, a must see video is a mouse-click away: Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNESQq88Ix8

3. Hidden treasure!  While archiving old video, we stumbled upon two minutes of the historic kumite with Shihan Don Nagle and Shihan Peter Urban circa 1966. I believe it may be the most footage of this kumite. You may view the footage with this convenient link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHo3I5cn8-s